High-intensity workout. Short intervals and an even shorter break for great results.
One training only 30 minutes. Save your time and money but do not spare yourself and your results.
It burns fat hours after the training thanks to EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption).
The instructor uses so-called floor-coaching, which means he isn’t static on the stage but he moves among clients and helps them excel. GRIT is a smart choice in a weekly training programme, because to achieve better results, you do not need to add more and more hours of training. It is enough to increase the intensity of the training and then you can easily shorten the training time.
Your bike, your ride
Modern Taebo
Modern StepAerobic
Modern yoga
Bigger makes us better. We are passoniate instructors and our passion is to bring your experience everytime and everywhere
We train group fitness from 2010 and we bring Les Mills classes to Slovakia in year 2015!
Trainings are designed with experts from all over the world to bring you results!
We train together! And we are better together!